San Jose Costa Rica Temple

San Jose Costa Rica Temple


Del Hotel Marriott, 600 Metros Oeste
La Ribera de Belén
40702 Heredia
Costa Rica


Telephone: (506) 2293-6681 ext. 10
Facsimile: (506) 2293-6645
Distribution Services: (506) 2239-7026


Announcement: 17 March 1999
Groundbreaking and Site Dedication: 24 April 1999 by Lynn G. Robbins
Public Open House: 20–27 May 2000
Dedication: 4 June 2000 by James E. Faust

Site: 1.93 acres.
Exterior Finish: Blanco Guardiano white marble from Torreón, Mexico.
Ordinance Rooms: Two ordinance rooms (two-stage progressive) and two sealing.
Total Floor Area: 10,700 square feet.

Temple Facts:
The San José Costa Rica Temple was the second temple built in Central America, following the Guatemala City Guatemala Temple (1984), and the first built in Costa Rica.

Temple History:
The San José Costa Rica Temple district includes five stakes and seventeen districts in Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Panama with about 32,000 members. This will be the first temple in Costa Rica and the second in Central America.
In his address, Elder Lynn G. Robbins of the Seventy and first counselor in the Central America Area who presided at the temple's groundbreaking services, said that the temple is a symbol of celestial living, and that our worthiness to enter the Lord's house here on earth is not a guarantee but a good indicator of one day being able to enter His heavenly home. Conversely, he said, "common sense tells me that if we are not worthy to enter the House of the Lord here on earth, it is not very likely that we will be able to inherit His celestial mansions hereafter."
"It is important to be worthy to have a temple recommend," he emphasized. "For me, being worthy of a temple recommend is the clearest evidence we have that we are on the path that leads back to the presence of our Father in Heaven. It can be likened to the oil in the lamps of the five prudent virgins. Just as the foolish virgins were not able to obtain oil from the prudent, neither can a recommend be borrowed from someone the day the Bridegroom comes."
In his remarks, Elder Julio E. Alvarado of the Seventy, second counselor in the area presidency said that with the start of the temple, "We see how the Lord has extended His arm of mercy and is now bringing the blessings of the temple everywhere. You will have little time to prepare, because we hope the temple is ready in one year. So here is a great opportunity to prepare ourselves. Hurry up, and do it well."
He said that the groundbreaking ceremony is symbolic of the start of the project. As the temple is started, "A strong concrete foundation is needed to support the walls, beams and roof; likewise, I believe that today is a good time to strengthen our personal foundations of faith and of testimony, and prepare to become much stronger in the gospel." He expressed gratitude for the opportunity to contribute, "because in this manner we are able to sacrifice and give our time and our resources to edify this beautiful House of the Lord" (Church News, 8 May 1999).